Sunday, 27 September 2015

♥ Weekly Roundup #2

It's been a mad old month for me. I saw Foo Fighters live and had the best night of my life. I finally finished my sleeve, after two years of getting bits and pieces of it tattooed and I got a rather beautiful piece on my sternum. I got gifted the brand new Urban Decay Smoky palette - how big of a darling is my boyfriend?! - and I also had a lot of 4AM starts for work and the hassle of moving back down south to Cornwall was thrust upon me. Life is much,much quieter now I'm back down south and without a job so be sure to hear from me a lot over the coming months.

The posts I've been loving recently include Georgia's new MAC products, she bought Syrup and now I'm totally lusting after the shade. I've been loving Becca's relaunched blog. And on Youtube, I've been loving Jamie Oliver's channel, FoodTube. He incorporates his television shows, a little bit of vlogging and uses content from loads of different chefs to create such a vast collection of recipes, you're sure to find something that you want to try. I am a huge Jamie Oliver fan so this channel is like a god send for me, as embarrassing as it is!

I've been reading Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey and finding it so sad that I happen to be making the book last quite a while. I think it's quite emotionally draining and the subject of dementia is a really raw one, to me. It's beautifully written and very sensitive of the subject and I hope the ending of the book does it justice. On Netflix I've switched back to watching Gossip Girl for around the fourth time. I find I get bored of tv shows really quickly but there hasn't been much else to watch. I went and watched Paper Towns in the cinema. I totally fell in love with the book when I read it and I can't quite decide whether I prefer this over Looking For Alaska, but the film adaption absolutely blew me away. I detest The Fault in our Stars. so I never went to the cinema to see it but I knew I would enjoy Paper Towns. I've purchased the book again since seeing it (I gave my original copy to a friend and never got it back) and purchased the soundtrack and watched it online. I know it's one of those films I'm going to watch over and over and I'm really happy with the direction it took and how true it stayed to the novel.

Em x


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